
Oh How Neglectful I Am...

I'm sorry to have neglected you, blog friends. I've thought about you often, I promise.

However, I've been busy/lazy - too busy or lazy to decide what was important enough to write. TODAY, though, is of the utmost importance. Mostly because the Emmy's are on...IN HONOR OF MY BIRTHDAY. or maybe not, but nevertheless, they are co-occurring and it's thrilling.

A couple of highlights from life as of late (besides the whole Kaytlinpalooza thing - which is exciting in itself):

-absolutely nothing new in the way of wedding planning. well, okay some pretty huge decisions have been made...some decisions that required tears and heartbreak but were necessary. Luckily I have some pretty strong rocks on my side that help me make those decisions and let me sound-off/ask the right questions.

-Orientation for Grad School started. It's been an intense week full of information overload and uber confusion regarding the rest of my life. But I'm not concerned. It's good confusion, one that reeks of many possibilities - an overwhelming amount of possibilities. I've met some pretty cool people who will be my peers as well as some awesome mentors. I'm really excited about the things I'll be able to do and it's made me really grateful for the training/mentorship that I received at U of I.

-Kaytlinpalooza: which is really less intense than it sounds..but it's really fun for me. (and sometimes those around me). Really it just consisted on something really nice everyday for a week - like fresh peaches, birthday cards, or a nice date night out. I chalk it up to Kaytlinpalooza but really it's just me really enjoying what I have. It's also a catchy name (it may not seem like it at first, but it really is - try it on for size; go ahead, use your own first name and add 'palooza' at the end. it will make you smile, promise.)

-Skype dates: life savers, let me tell you.

Anyway, since the Emmy's are wrapping up, I guess I should, too. ONE DAY I will have an update worth reading, I promise. Until then, stick with me and we'll get through this together. My next update will include details on self-awareness day and actual classes. 


Live and Learn

Yes, it's been awhile. Yes, I've been busy. Yes, I will try to do better.  No, I will not make any promises.

So the apartment is broken in: Anna and Jeremiah stayed for Art on the Square and Josh stayed when he got back from Colorado. It's been wonderful to have people with us again.

Anna and Jeremiah's visit was wonderful. We had a lot of fun at the square, our piece looked amazing. And I say "our" with all genuineness, Anna did just as much as I did. We saw the sights, did all the typical Southern Illinois stuff (minus the cow-tipping) and just had fun. It was really sad to see them go, but alas.

Then Josh got home from Colorado last weekend so that's been fun. He spent a day at the Rogier-Reedy spa (as he calls it). He takes the GRE tomorrow so we'll wish him luck with that. Tomorrow night I get to see my loves that I've been missing dearly and it will be much appreciated. Jimmy is coming home briefly before heading to AZ, Josh leaves for China on Friday, and BSue (who will be in st. louis) whom I haven't seen in FOREVER. It will be glorious.

I had an interview today at Wash U for a student ambassador position. Find out Friday. Keep your fingers crossed.

And wedding stuff. Oh the wedding stuffs! Well, there have been some snafus, a lot of tears, some difficult decision making but I think it's all for the best. It generally sucks to have a family that is as effed up as mine is. IknowIknow, all families are dysfunctional..and I agree. However, when you have someone try to kill someone else and then you try to make them all share a smallish space* amicably...that goes beyond the threshold of dysfunction, I think. But it will all work out, this I know, I just gotta figure out how to inform all parties of changes made.

We are slowly coming along on favors (as in, I emptied out a ton of CD cases) and we have to figure out exactly how we want the service to go. I suppose at some point I should probably think about dress shopping. We've come in wonderfully under budget in a lot of things. We book the Masonic Temple for our reception, which means we have to figure out decorations and whatnots. I know it will all be fabulous, no matter what.

One things we have finished and can check off the list is ENGAGEMENT PHOTOS. All done..and they are marvelous, I must say. Here's a sample. More/All can be seen on my facebook page.

Photos by Marv and Sue Asher, Concept Photography
But for now, that's the update. I wish I had more to give but I don't, at least not right now.
*is any space really that big when another person who tried to kill you is in it..I think not.


Settle Down

So I'm sitting in our living which looks like this:

and the rest of our apartment looks just as snazzy as well. We finally have some time to relax and watch TV without the nagging feeling that "oh no, Anna and Jeremiah are coming to stay this weekend and they can't even get up the stairs" because they can. And they can get to the futon to sleep on.

Funny Story about the picture that's on the wall: When I was a senior in High School, I was in the AP Art program and that painting pissed me off. The bulldog has no nose. And it's sort of a terrible composition (read: no composition)
So I took it off the wall. And put it in the art room. A few days later, it magically reappeared in the hallway. WTF?!
So I took it down again...and put it in my car.
It's been in my basement ever since.
The Highland News Leader ran an article about the dedication of this painting to the High School a few weeks ago. That article is framed next to it. I wonder if they even realize it's missing. I wonder if anyone who works at the high school reads this blog. I hope I don't get in trouble.

Anyway. This is the final moving update. It's official, we've moved. I miss Urbana quite often, but I'm sure once I start school it will get much better. 

Also, we are getting our engagement photos done tomorrow by 
Marv does wonderful work. You should check it all out. He's truly an artist. 
It must run in the family! ;) 

I'll let you all know how that looks...plus how the wedding planning goes. We have some quirky fun things in the works AND we are going to look at a possible reception site SOON! (As in hopefully tomorrow!)
But for now, my computer is running out of battery (because I'm down in the living room, as I said) so I need to get going, take the whitestrips out, and go to bed.