
exciting news!

Well, as the Monday winds down and becomes Tuesday, I'm here in our office where my side is finally starting to resemble a workspace. Ben's side, on the other hand, looks like he'll be living out of boxes for a little while.  We've finally gotten all of our things into the new place and are slowly putting things in order/where they belong and making it look like home (which it will be for a long time). I'm excited to get things all put in order and put things on the wall so it looks like a real home.

But that is neither here nor there. What I'm really writing about is the exciting email I got this morning.

So I've been going on and on about this wedding blog that I follow pretty religiously (as in it is part of my morning routine in the morning - who doesn't love a good wedding story to start their day?). A few weeks ago, there was a post about an online wedding invite/website that is pretty awesome and was created by a woman who wanted to make wedding planning easier/cheaper for everyone. Cheaper? Easier? Awesome! THEN they were having a giveaway for packages for these online wedding invitation/website. All you had to do was leave a comment about WHY you deserved to win. So I did. And I WON! SPECTACULAR! I got the email this morning! You should probably check out this website because these are some pretty fun/awesome invitations, too! This is really awesome because it will definitely save us money on postage plus it helps us in our cause to go green/be less of a drain on society/the environment. Plus, it's cool because I actually won something. and save for crane machines, I never win anything.*

Anyway...hopefully sooner rather than later, we'll have this place up and running like civilized people and I can take good pictures to show you what wonderful decorating skills Ben and I have. when that happens, I'll post them here and on facebook so you should check it out and leave comments about how much you want to come stay here so we can arrange that as well! ;)


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